दोस्तों आज हम जानेगे Mosambi In English Name क्या होता है और मौसमी के फायदे
Mosambi In English Name | Amazing Benefits Of Sweet Lemon Juice
Mosambi In English Name – Sweet lemon इसके अलावा इसे Citrus limetta और Grapefruit भी कहते है
Sweet Lemon का जूस बहुत फायदेमंद होता है आइये जानते है Sweet Lemon के फायदे
Amazing Benefits Of Sweet Lemon Juice
- Drinking Sweet Lemon juice is good for health.
It has been revealed in many researches that daily
Drinking boosts immunity
And with the removal of weakness, the energy in the body
is born. - Sweet Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C It happens to your skin, hair, eyes and It is also very beneficial for nails. Makes skin glow with regular use
- It detoxifies the body.By drinking it the toxins of the body come out.
- It has been revealed in many researches that Osteoarthritis from Sweet Lemon, There is no rheumatoid arthritis.
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